The Gap


According to Merriam-Webster, a disparity is a noticeable and usually significant difference or dissimilarity.

Mental Health Disparity

According to NCSL, National Conference of State Legislatures, mental health disparity refers to differences in outcomes and access to services related to mental health and substance misuse which are experienced by groups based on their social, ethnic, and economic status.

African American Mental Health Disparity

(Barriers to Mental Health Services)

  • Bias, stemming from historical, structural, and systemic racism, and discrimination.

  • Mental Health stigma

  • Mistrust of the health care system, access barriers and negative encounters with care professionals.

  • Provider shortage due to the limited from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds.

  • Lack of culturally competent providers to meet cultural, social, and language-related needs (, nd).

  • Lower rates of medical coverage

Hispanic and Latino Mental Health Disparity

(Barriers to Mental Health Services)

  • Experiences of racism and discrimination stemming from structural and systemic factors.

  • Mental health stigma

  • Language access issues and negative encounters with care providers.

  • Provider shortage due to the lack of providers from diverse racial /ethnic backgrounds

  • Lack of culturally competent resources and providers to meet cultural , racial , and language-related needs (, nd).

  • Lower rates of medical coverage


1. Eliminating race-based mental health disparities ( Monnica T. Williams, PhD, Daniel C. Rosen, PhD, and Jonathan W. Kanter, PhD.



Mental health disparities are a reflection of societal inequities.

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