Factors Contributing to Disparities

(Patient- Level Factors)

1. Socioeconomic Status

Researchers have frequently observed a significant relationship between socioeconomic status (SES)- often measured via education level and income- and mental health variables, including disorder prevalence (Everson, Marty, Lynch & Kaplan, 2002).

2. Insurance Status

Although uninsured rates have decreased across the race and ethnicity spectrum since the ACA, Affordable Care Act, took effect, people of color are still significantly more likely than Whites to be uninsured ( Foutz et Al., 2017). Further, although coverage inequities appear to contribute to observed racial and ethnic disparities, similar disparities have also been observed in countries with universal health insurance (Tiwari & wang, 2008).

3. Language Proficiency

Members of racial and ethnic minority groups- especially those who identify as Latino- are more likely than Whites to have limited English proficiency ( Sentell & Braun, 2012). Even if individuals with limited English proficiency do access care, they often receive poorer-quality care, as language barriers increase the chances of misdiagnosis, reduce patients’ understanding to their diagnoses and decrease the likelihood patients will correctly adhere to discharge plans (Betancourt, Green, Carrillo & Ananeh-Firempong, 2003).

4. Patient Preferences

Personal beliefs about the underlying causes of mental health disorders, typical mental health treatments, and treatment providers arise from a combination of educational experiences, personal experiences, family tradition, and cultural values (Barksdale & Molock, 2009) and can have a significant impact on whether individuals recognize a need for mental health care and initiate help-seeking behavior(Jorm, 2012).


1. Eliminating race-based mental health disparities ( Monnica T. Williams, PhD, Daniel C. Rosen, PhD, and Jonathan W. Kanter, PhD.

2. SAMHSA.gov

3. Minorityhealth.hhs.gov

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